Desiner is paying attention to website design which is crucial to building your business. There are now nearly 1.7 billion websites online, which provide a lot of different types of websites to study, but also a lot of confusion over which type and design will actually work best for you.

As a designer or small business owner, you need to be familiar with all the different kinds of web pages out there,

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A homepage can take on many different forms, but while designing it’s important to remember the purpose of the homepage as the main navigation and point of interest for site visitors. Desiner make it clear that what the business is and offer the unique value proposition (UVP).Desiner Media utilize your brand’s color palette, logo and images which are highly relevant to your business. The homepage sets the tone for the business’ image, so it should tell a story about who you are through images and words.

Magazine websites:

A magazine website features articles, photos and videos that are informational and educational. In the last twenty years, the magazine industry has changed from a print-only platform to largely digital format. The magazine website type works well for informational websites, particularly publications from universities and organizations.

E-commerce websites:

An e-commerce website is an online shopping destination where users can purchase products or services from your company.A robust e-commerce web page makes it easy to browse products, filter by categories, highlight special sales and make purchases. Desiner will help you to get started is through a full-solution, e-commerce platform like Shopify or Squarespace.



A blog features regularly updated articles, photos and videos. Blogs started with more casual, personal content compared to magazines. But since then, the lines have blurred, and now it’s extremely common for major brands and businesses to have their own blog. Adding expert content improves the overall credibility of a company or an individual. Blogs also provide material for social media posts and email campaigns.

Portfolio websites:

As Desiner Media help you to build yout portfolio website, there’s no need to add every single project you’ve ever worked on. Instead, focus on creating categories of items and highlighting the best work from each category. A portfolio website is a bit more creative by nature, so this is the place to try unique layouts and add in interesting features.

Landing pages:

A landing page is a specific page type created for a marketing campaign that drives visitors to take a specific action. Deisner media can create and help you on a landing page we used to design landing page with limited content and point toward the call-to-action (CTA) you’d like the user to take.

Social media websites:

There are approximately 2.77 billion people on social media with dozens of different platforms available. No matter who your target audience is, Desiner Media will probably find them on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or Snapchat or LinkedIn. Although we can't redesign the platforms themselves, we do have some control over the look of your page, and we can create content that drives social media shares.

Directory and contact pages:

A directory or contact page is a place where users can connect with you or others.This type of website works well when you want to list a repository of businesses or people within an organization. For example, a local restaurant directory features eateries in the area with menus, price ranges, phone number and reviews.

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